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Ear Candling & lymphatic drain

45 min
20 British pounds
Customer's Place

Service Description

Ear candles work on the chimney principle by drawing a column of air through the External Auditory Canal, which vibrates gently, massaging the eardrum. This has a regulating effect on the pressure systems within the inner ear. The pressure flow also circulates a concentrated vapour, enriched with herbal extract. These pass through the Tympanic Membrane down the Eustachian tube, creating a soothing effect on the throat, surrounding glands and organs. Ear secretion flow is gently stimulated; the vapour collects and removes impurities. During the treatment the client feels a comforting warmth and can hear a light crackling sound - said to sound like rain. Following candling, the face is massaged to stimulate the reflex zones. This helps to maintain balance, intensifies the achieved energy flow and completes the treatment. It is a pleasant and non-invasive therapy and can be used successfully to help many ear, nose, throat and head problems including:   Sinusitis   Asthma   Headaches/Migraines   Impaired hearing   Cold/Flu/Sore Throats   Flying/Diving   Snoring   Hayfever & other allergic conditions   Stress symptoms

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